Troy Perkins | President | p (973) 947-6266 x6000 | d (323) 518-1111 | f (210) 305-5564 | Secure Operations Communications, Ensuring your business continuity is invictus.
  • SOCOM cyfrSCREENS in-browser remote desktopping.  Access your desktop computers and servers from anywhere with virtually any device, including touch screen tablets, no end-point software required.  Integrated (2FA) 2 Factor Authentication and TLS secured.  A COVID 19 off-site workforce initiative.
  • SOCOM CYFR VPN Networks out performs every VPN technology available today.  FAST, simple, secure and architecture agnostic.  Gateways and Clients available Windows, Mac, Linux and UNIX flavors as package installs and Virtual Appliances built by SOCOM.  Clients available for all mobile devices iOS and Android as well.
  • SOCOM cyfrSpaces Cloud Storage with 99.999999999% / 11 nines durability.  Globally redundant, encrypted, no sync requirements, VPN accessible via native OS file system and/or web portal.  (2FA) 2 Factor Authentication or VPN Secured. Simple Backup well beyond the clouds, generations ready archiving.  Includes a multitude of productivity apps and integrated MS-Office files compliant Office Suite - without the MS headache.  App integrations and development available upon request, we'll build it for you.
  • SOCOM cyfrEmail: End to End Encrypted email solution.  All of your email is encrypted including those sent to standard end-users not using our service.  Ask me how this works!

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